Are you looking to contact the ALTCS offices/get their Email Address?

There are many different options available for contacting the ALTCS offices but their email addresses are not made public. We at Senior Planning (we are a private agency) can assist with questions, help you apply to ALTCS, and/or provide you contact information to the state agency if that is what you are looking for.

If you are looking to start an application, it is fairly simple. You need to have the patient’s date of birth along with their first and last name. Having income information helps speed up the process but is not a requirement and can be gotten at a later date. After you begin the application process there is a phone interview. After the phone interview, a medical evaluation and a financial evaluation will be setup. At this point in ALTCS you can either email or fax them/call in your meeting address along with any other requested information.

Whether you are looking to find a facility or for at home care, we are more than happy to assist you in providing a list/resources. Even if you have already started the application, we can help find solutions for when you qualify. Even though there isn’t a public email address for the ALTCS offices in Phoenix (the main office) or the other ones around the state, we can help and you can either give us a call or submit information.

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